Hermantown PTO Hawkwear

Shop all of the latest Hawkwear gear here! A percentage of all sales on this page are donated directly back to the Hermantown PTO.

Have a question about a shirt style or design? Email us at: frozentundraco@gmail.com

Have a question about fundraising or the Hermantown PTO? Email the PTO at: jaimewentzel@gmail.com

We are a local company so you can choose to have your items shipped or opt for local pickup. If you choose local pickup, you will be contacted via email once your item is ready. Pickup is at the Hermantown Elementary School office.

Regular price $25.00
Regular price $25.00
Regular price $30.00
Regular price $22.00
Regular price $20.00
Regular price $22.00
Regular price $20.00
From $40.00
From $45.00
From $40.00